Every Successful Clothing Brand From Start-Up

baby clothes fabrics

The best fabric for babies to wear should be soft, breathable cotton-based. We should avoid using poorly breathable fabrics like polyester, wool, and nylon.
Cotton is the most comfortable fabric. Thus it’s ideal for infants and kids’ tender skin. Most of the baby clothing brands use 100% cotton. Let’s explore some suitable fabrics for baby clothing below.

baby clothing

Cotton fabric

cotton baby clothing

Cotton fabric is the most popular choice for baby clothes. It contains gentle ingredients to baby skin. Espeically, organic cotton is perfect for babies because it grows without any chemicals and fertilizers. It can avoid the skin problems caused by heavy dyes and chemicals.

Knitted fabric

knitted fabric baby clothing

Cotton knit fabric is another great choice for baby clothing due to its abrasion resistance. Flat knit fabric is soft and breathable. It can also resist pilling and is very stretchy, which makes it an excellent choice for baby crawling suits.

Bamboo fiber, rayon

bamboo baby clothing

Bamboo rayon fabric is a super soft and durable rayon fiber derived from the bamboo plant. It is ideal for sensitive skin and is temperature-regulating, which means it will adjust to your child’s body temperature.


gauze baby clothing

Gauze fabric is the perfect baby clothing fabric. Whether you choose single or double gauze, this fabric is lightweight and breathable. Pay attention to the quality when choosing your fabric cause the quality may vary based on dying, printing and suppliers.

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