Every Successful Clothing Brand From Start-Up

hang tags shapes

A hang tag is a small card attached to a garment with the brand name, logo, product information, etc. It usually consists of logos, symbols, patterns, text, and colors.

In terms of shape, brand clothing tags strive to be simple and unique. Five common tag shapes used by Norwegian clothing retailers are rectangular, round, triangular, folded, and bag holder.

different paper hang tags

1.Rectangular hang tags are the most common, and most Norwegian clothing retailers use rectangular tags because they fit all clothes and are very compatible.

2.Round and triangular hangtags are generally chosen according to the customer’s brand design and concept. If the customer’s logo happens to have a round and triangular shape, the hang tag may favor the same kind of shape.

3.Folded hangtags, which can show more brand information, are usually made of paper hang tags with folded shapes.

4.Bag holder hang tags are also common but relatively special. If you want to show a unique brand, you can also use this hang tag.

plastic bag hang tags

Looking for more custom hang tags types? Click this blog about the guidance of custom hang tags.

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