Labels can be used on apparel such as tees, sweatshirts, and pants. Customers often look at the label when choosing clothing items, and a good label can show the strength of your brand as well as enhance your brand influence.
What is a woven label?

A woven label is typically made of 100% polyester by a loom. It can also be made of cotton, satin, and ribbon. There is normally simple text, logos woven on the label by weft (crosswise yarns). The rest of the label is woven by wrap (lengthwise yarns). Usually, the wrap is fixed during weaving. If you want a light color logo, it’s better to use white bottom yarns. And darker logo will work better on black bottom yarns.
The sewing method of a woven label can be two-sided sewing, folding sewing.
What is a printed label?

A printed label can be made of cotton, satin, and polyester. It’s easy to get a printed label as long as a logo or pattern is digitally printed on the label. Washing labels and size labels are often done as printed labels. Washing labels and size labels are often done as printed labels.
What’s more, if you want to achieve a better wearing experience, you can directly print the label info on the garment collar to replace traditional woven labels. In fact, printed labels have become a fashion trend among clothing brands.

Let’s explore the main differences between a woven label and a printed label. The logo or pattern process is vary. It’s faster and easier to produce a printed label than a woven label. In terms of pattern effect, a printed label can achieve a better color effect and higher resolution. While a woven label usually has color limitations. In terms of durability, a woven label can last longer than a printed label. However, a woven label is higher-end, thus it’s suitable to use for some high-end fashion brands. If you want to learn more about clothing hang tags, check this blog. Any question, feel free to let us know.